Looking at neighbors, and the surrounding lay of the land, one can begin to put together the past. Looking closely, note that sections fifteen and seventeen are properly located per the deed description. The two can’t be brothers though may be kin. Underwood took it, doubled it up, and hung it in a tree near by. 1865 in Stanly County. Books such as The Cavaliers are awesome though they will get you in trouble. Connecting gaps of what is shown in records of olden times, we can see that Austin Road once followed Hwy 205 from Rocky River north through Oakboro where it turned northeast. Land records are a great tool for putting back together your ancestral history. D. Grant 6298, Anson NC, ent. If you cannot find the answer by looking at the individual, open your field of view. Rocky River Large Animal Veterinary Clinic has been serving the veterinary needs of clients in the counties and surrounding areas where the Rocky River flows since 1990. Still family-owned and family-operated since 1968! This is clearly written on paper and therefore it must be so. A recent post on the Burris, Burress, Burrows, Burroughs Facebook Group by distant cousin John Stevens opened my eyes to things I had not realized existed. Digging deeper in the deed, the conveyance is described as: This is surely located within McCulloch’s 100,000 acre Great Tract Number Six which I’ve written about from various perspectives. More on that map later. Lot No. Leading the event were people near and dear to my family. Mr. Moody replied to a suggestion, that I should like some witnesses sworn in my favor, that it was unnecessary, that the prosecution must prove my guilt first. A rope was then called for by Ramsey [Anderson] or Underwood and produced. Doing a little digging in Newspapers.com, according to a February 2,1902 notification in the Albemarle newspaper The Enterprise, it appears that several sections of various roads were discontinued at that time. David created the site nclandgrants.com which is a super valuable resource for those of us working the early land records of our state. The mission of Rocky River Elementary School is to teach students through a rigorous and relevant curriculum while fostering caring, respectful relationships in a safe, healthy environment. A. Eury, Adm. of George E. Tucker to. Levin Butler testified that he lived at the mill for two years and that earlier he did so at the mills of Outlaw and Butler. From the 1916 soil map, Austin Road could have run the course of Newsome Road much like how it runs today (red line). Efforts are being made to boost tourism and canoe and kayak recreation along Rocky River "Blueway" [6] as part of the Carolina Thread Trail. Also, it really makes no sense that Tract Six could be bound by tracts fifteen or seventeen. Legal. Stanly County. Note that Rev. The photos are a reminder of beliefs passed down by kith and kin and I imagine many of the school children who once heard the war stories, including how the neighborhood men stood up to a cause they did not support. Rocky River Location (Harrisburg) 9651 Brookdale Drive #800. 20 Apr 1835. Sales Office Hours. She had been for many years a consistent member of the M. E. Church, South. The 2,192 sq. Also mentioned: “I give to my infant son Joseph Hawkins all my lands on the Cape Fear River & Deep Rivers, I mean all my land in the county of Chatham No. I wasn’t going to mention Spring Branch, but oh well….we now know Spring Branch was near Chesky Creek and the road leading from the Cashy Bridge to Halifax. Another thought. Born ca. However, going back further in time, the road was known as “the Ridge Path.”. Genealogical CliffsNotes of sort, such publications provide cheat sheet histories leapfrogging family histories across the eastern tidewaters of Virginia. The story and origin of Austin Road may have once been important though I believe its meaning has been altered and lost in part through time. However, though a small corner of Tract Number Six fell into old Mecklenburg [now Cabarrus], no way do I believe the above was situated in the county of Mecklenburg. Beginning at a pine by two pines and hickory John Austin’s corner and runs with and beyond his line south 45 west 36.5 chains to a stake by three pines, then north 45 west 45 chains to a pine by two pines and post oak, then south 66 west 15 chains to a red oak by black jack and post oak, then south 5 east 50 chains to a stake by two sweet gums, then south 35 east 20 chains to a red oak by two red oaks, then north 80 east 20 chains to a stake by red oak and black jack, then north 45 east 58 chains to a stake, then north 14 west 23 chains to the beginning Chain bearers: Jesse Austin, Bryan Austin Senr. Either the date of 1827 is wrong or that Benjamin is not the son of Benjamin Rush who dies in 1801. Dr. Ramsey [Anderson] acted as judge and appointed Ellic Underwood prosecutor and Mr. Moody, prisoner’s counsel without consulting me in the matter. 11685 Reed Mine Rd., Midland, NC 28107. Boom! At that time, I was wrapped up in other projects, unable to realize the possibility of ties she suggested. Looking back in time, I have to wonder if doing away with the section of road was a means of keeping peace between two closely located churches? – 23 Sep 1786. It may have run north across Red Cross but for sure later followed the path of Liberty Hill Road across Hwy 24/27 to near Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. Fast forward again 47 years and in 1860, the above Josiah Thomas Junior is listed in census as 85 years old, living in the home of his son Everitt Thomas. I was then put to marching up and down the road under guard, while Ramsey [Anderson] and two other armed men, took a prisoner off to the woods, and after a while returned without him, giving me the impression that he had been executed. You may know us by our former name South Ridge Veterinary Hospital.We provide health … First mentioned is “Daughter Elizabeth Teril” and at the end of the will, “Elizabeth” is mentioned as being one of Benjamin Rush’s three daughters. 20 Jan 1835, iss. And note that following the death of Joseph Thomas Sr, his widow Ann Thomas married the aforementioned John Hill. So, once again, we see death and a second go round at marriage. Had he been hung for actions? Wouldn’t that be cool? With that established, where did Grissom come from? This optional segment of the trail travels along a 20-foot cliff overlooking the river and has a very challenging uphill switchback section full of roots and rocks that can be difficult to clear. Grant 5367, Anson NC, ent. I shall be forced so quickly from my family, that little chance of redress presents itself to me, but I trust, if these officers have permitted or caused me to be forced unlawfully into the army, your excellency will withdraw their commissions, after due inquiry, and let them follow [me] lawfully. It’s ALWAYS best to start with the here and now, slowly and methodically working one’s way back through yesteryear. Ft. recently sold home at 58 Rocky River Ln, Hendersonville, NC 28792 that sold on February 9, 2021 for Last Sold for $145,000 1 (red shaded below) – Beginning at a post oak by a small hickory on the side of Concord Road in Silvia Smith’s line and runs with said line So 14 ½ Et 38 chains to her corner red oak, thence So 66 Wt 2 chains and 70 links to a stake by a red oak, thence So 76 Wt 20 chains to a stake in Benjamin Hathcock’s line by post oak, red oak, and pine, thence with his line & passing his corner no 2 ½ Et 43 chains to a stake in Lloyd Hathcock’s line on the side of the Mill Road by 3 red oaks, a corner of Lot No. More on that later but for now I’ll leave you with the following concerning Margaret Perry’s resting place. Rocky River, NC Directions {{::location.tagLine.value.text}} Sponsored Topics. The effort adds a level of difficulty though the results are hugely rewarding. Deed N-165, Anson NC, 8 Jul 1809, reg. Today that road is gone, and yet, those who are at rest nearby likely knew of it well. 7 Jun 1799. And beyond the county, those people had ties back to Franklin, Warren, Bertie, and other counties. Rocky River Golf Club | 6900 Bruton Smith Blvd. That makes me believe the land being sold was tract number 16 and not 6. However, and at first not realizing what I was seeing, I made a copy of the cool survey which is really the subject of this post. To make sure you clearly understand the above, Wiley’s land grant entry never reached fruition whereas a few years later, his friend and neighbor Emery Sharp entered the same land which was indeed issued. I’d love to hear such conversations. Ramsey [Anderson] again asked for my decision. …what if her parents were buried at that site? As is normal, one thing led to the next and from there another piece of the puzzle fell into place. 2 (yellow shaded below)– Beginning at a stake on the side of Mill Road in Loyd Hathcock’s line, by 3 red oaks a corner of Lot No. Moody had but little to say in my defense, when Anderson as judge, [told] to the jury that if they believed the evidence about the resolution opposing the tax in kind; and my offering the resolutions at the meeting spoken of, it was treason, and so was that about the constitution as it is and the Union as it was, and it would be their duty to bring in a verdict of guilty. The first being Col. Joseph Hawkins while the youngest was his namesake heir. It begins in Iredell County near Mooresville and flows south into Cabarrus County, where it is the principal waterway in the county. Zeros have turned out to be very important so let me explain. Henry Garmon was well thought of in his faith as beautiful stained-glass windows at the First Methodist Protestant Church on Hawthorne and Central Avenue in Charlotte (no longer standing) were placed in his memory. We know that Joseph’s brother Micajah Thomas Hawkins sold land to Joseph (and Judith Rush Thomas) Avent. Issued to MARTIN PHIFER, being 150 acres on both sides of… She spoke of Hinson land and of a cemetery nearby. They were victims and yet Find-a-grave, Geni, and Wikipedia say nothing about family who died in 1857. Little did I know that family member Joshua Christian Burris was a leader in such service of his country. Note that grantees, the fellow receiving the grant, had to sit on the land for three years and make improvements which process makes sense. The Bazemore family lands come into play to the north and going further north as you near Lumber Bridge is the Cherry and Bunch lands. That is wrong! At this point I will stop with this post though know that the mystery continues. Is it possible one daughter Elizabeth was born to Alice Griggs, Benjamin Rush’s first wife while the second was born to his second wife Elizabeth who is mentioned in the will? But really and truly, such an approach is 100% absolutely backwards. For every warring party there must be a place to quietly dispose of unruly citizens deemed to be spies, political prisoners, or those having been charged with treasonous crimes. So, this passage or bequeath from Joseph Hawkins’ last will and testament clarifies the wording from the 1842 conveyance prior mentioned. Much more than the sterile documentation appearing in combined military records, such descriptive letters offer a hugely valuable glimpse into the lives of our soldiers. Subscribed and sworn to before me. Looking at family pages online, it appears many believe the young son Benjamin moved to Montgomery County NC where he died in 1827. Back in North Carolina, in 1842, the lands of Micajah Thomas Hawkins passed from father to son of same name. I believe the land is in the area where Canton Road and Scaley Bark intersect. Finding this morsel of detail gives us an anchor point which will be used to learn where others lived nearby. Note that General William C. Means and family are buried at the Old Lutheran Cemetery in Concord where you would think a marker once identified his two children. On 9 May 1817 Christian Hardy and Rutha sold to Sylvanus Stokes land in Brunswick Co. VA. P: 704-536-6042 F: 704-563-5917 . Like those on the fields of war, families and friends expressed their thoughts concerning the war. “He was to furnish the logs and float them down to the mill. From the survey, the land is described as “joining John Coburn & the lands formerly belonging to Solomon Stegall and Rebecca Harrington on the north side of Richardson Creek.” And then, seven years later, in 1834, Wiley’s friend Emory Sharp entered and was issued virtually the same piece of land …as is seen to the far right below. It is a tough reality and one that tempts us all. First place went to Rocky River's "Hannah" owned and handled by Randy Brown. Facts like that are vitally important when comparing ancient records to what we see today. 8 Mar 1816, iss. William’s father was either Joseph or his son John. Stone, and Geo Outlaw, and Simon A. Bryan: First: Jordan Thomas (80 acres) Beginning at a pine in the road in Turner Bazemore’s line, then to a pine, then along the line of said Bazemore to a pine in Simon A. Bryan’s, then along his line and Joseph S. Pugh’s to a gum in a branch, then south 89 west a new line. The two people mentioned also had adjoining lands further to the west, situated north of present-day Red Cross and east of Locust. Rather than merely heading straight to my targeted document, I had the afternoon free and spent a little time visually scanning every document on the reel. It references what appears to be an even earlier estate division. Public outcry led to his forced resignation after first being hanged in effigy. The following land division of his estate clearly locates neighbors and the old “Concord Road.” And looking at the GIS map for Stanly County, the estate land is identifiable in present-day property lines. Captain General Governor and Commander in Chief in and over his Majesty’s Province in North Carolina …whew. Rocky River Presbyterian Church serves Harrisburg and Concord, North Carolina and surrounding areas. We are part of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Presbytery of Charlotte. Dated 30 Aug 1834, and recorded 1844 in the newly formed Stanly County, Lewis Springer sold to John Perry fifty acres (Stanly 1-197) located on present-day Ridgecrest road. Resolved, That we approve the removal of the Virginian as chief tithing man. The sawing for Thomas was on shares.”. And note that A. M. Yarborough had purchased land adjoining the Rush estate from Glover Avent who had acquired it from his parents Joseph and Judith Rush Avent. Connecting gaps of what is shown in records of olden times, we can see that Austin Road once followed Hwy 205 from Rocky River north through Oakboro where it turned northeast. 26 Jul 1799. Whether writing in complaint or support of actions, they did all that was humanly possible to alleviate very real hardships. 3 valued at one hundred and thirty-four dollars, the sum of eleven dollars and 75 cents, and that Silvia Perry who drew Lot No. (Shaded Red) Grant 0597, Anson NC, ent. From people I don’t even know, I’ve learned it’s not so much about learning the details you are looking for as is having the electronic ear of those willing to comment on your ideas. Austin’s line on the headwaters of Austin Branch including near headwaters of Harrington’s branch. 704-216-1677. Always work to keep fresh those things you love …history for some of us requires emotional maintenance. Hopefully, a place can be found in the future for sharing the lives of innocent people like this who should be recognized. He told of “Sawing Season” likely a time of year when the waters ran at the right level to run the mill. Craig, who married a Gilliam and who was the father of Governor Locke Craig. The intersection of the road and corners of Jordan and Josiah Thomas lands in 1863 is the same as the present-day crossroads of Republican and School Roads. I have no answers to that question though maybe someday Y-DNA will make the case one way or the other. We host traditional Sunday School, Sunday Worship, and Wednesday night fellowship each week. Knowing the grant was near Stegall’s land, I took a chance thinking it might also be near the branch of same name situated east of New Salem and west of Pleasant Hill Church Road. When that happens, do not ever force the pieces. However, in family history there are many things. Grandsons maybe? Deed 26-546 Stanly, J. John’s discovery allowed me to see deeper into events of 1863, learning of actual beliefs of opposition held by my family. [Note: with NC Archives closed due to the corona virus, I cannot provide detailed support information at this time.]. Seeing the men living in close proximity, I imagine James C. Tucker and Joshua C. Burris in conversation. Tryon, I found no deeds of his selling the purchase and following the conveyance he moved north where he served as governor of New York from 1771-1777. However, he must have been close as by 1828 the son would marry, have a son, …and witness the death of his wife: 6 Nov 1828, The North Carolina StarDied – In Haywood, Chatham County on the 17th September, Mrs Eliza Savage Hawkins, daughter of Maj. Francis Pugh, of Franklin County, and consort of Joseph J. Hawkins Esq. We work hard to provide our customers with high quality sod that is well cared for. And what about all the others whose resting places were criminally disturbed in this instance? And most important, expand your point of interest in hopes of gaining perspective. The stories I have would take days to repeat and the friendships I made were oh so REAL! And as it turns out, David and me are actually cousins as he descends from Headley Thomas, brother of David who is my second great grandparent. It’s possible they were sons of the deceased son Michael Thomas who appears to have died young? welcome! If you knowingly force unproven connections, all you are doing is setting the stage for your work to be hijacked through error and misinterpretation. George and Joseph could also have been born to Jordan Thomas. Rocky River Subbasin Aquatic Taxa Surveys (Rocky River Hertiage Foundation, July 2010) Rocky River Groundwater Assessment (September 2012) Horsepen Creek Watershed Biological Assessment Report (March 2003) Little Creek Watershed Biological Assessment Report (June 2003) Little Troublesome Creek Biological Assessment Report (November 2002) And as for J. C. Tucker, being the son of Leonard Tucker, he lived next door to J. C. Burris. Take a look at the estate division: State of North Carolina Stanly County March 3rd, 1871. Not knowing for sure how it ran, we should keep our minds open to all possibilities. Looking at both images above, James Thomas’s land is located in the red shaded area. On two separate adventures, both heading out from starting points at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, I remember the drives up Frog Pond Road, when almost immediately Pam pointed to an old path leading south. I could delve further into the lands of others, but for now, the area of land above-mentioned happens to be in my immediate research. When I ordered my iced mocha with soy milk, he regretfully told me they were out. The jury went down the road, and returned in a few minutes with a verdict of guilty. And, the will and testament of Josiah Thomas’ father Joseph was witnessed by Josiah Collin’s father Joseph, husband of Rachel of Rachel Bunch. The bridge and communities are located on a wonderfully illustrated map created by the Confederate forces during the war. The 1850 Chatham County census enumerates James Perkins as born 1791 with wife Elizabeth born 1801. Is that true or did he perish from multiple gunshot wounds from a firing squad occurring out of public site behind the fence at Castle Thunder? Owner of several large tracts of land, it is in that sort of enterprise, and surely influenced by his uncle, that William appears in the early deed books of Anson County. The deed occurred before the formation of Stanly County though was later registered in the new county. Isn’t that the purpose of genealogy and history? Her return address was identified as Big Lick N. C. Recorded in records as Lieutenant, Col. John Brantley Simpson mustered out in April 1862 at which time his military record includes a resignation letter which simply reads: “I have the honor of tendering my resignation as Lieutenant in “H” Co. 14th N. C. Troops, unconditionally for good and sufficient reasons.” Recommending that the resignation be accepted, the receiving officer noted: “as I am satisfied that Lieutenant Simpson is mentally incompetent to perform the duties of his office”. HOURS: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - … Sales Office Hours. Many did not believe secession was good, meeting defiantly to discuss their collective support of the old ways. There are some nice ascents and descents with nothing too extended. The items were taken by General Sherman’s troops as they trailed the retreating Confederates after the fall of Atlanta. Hypothetically, the novice, in one sitting, can sit down in a library, and by studying the works of folks like Boddie, can chase their lineage back to first arrival in historic James Town, …that is the goal, isn’t it? Resolved, That we are apposed to any more men going, only such as cry out the last man and last dollar. Around the turn of the 20th century an effort was undertaken in which shucks were labeled with county names, entry, and final issue dates along with a descriptive word or two and most importantly, an identifying “file number”. Although feeble in body she was strong in faith, and we doubt not has entered into the rest prepared for the faithful. On 14 May 1857, and as appearing in The Daily Journal (Wilmington NC), the following is written about Cabarrus County. I always find it interesting the ways in which seriously impactful information can be buried in unrelated sources. Stream sports and activities from Rocky River High School in Mint Hill, NC, both live and on demand. Joseph S. Pugh and Jeremiah Bunch jointly operated a sawmill with John Butler employed as miller. Overlaying Emory’s tract on top of Wiley’s (in red), you can see in the middle image how two different surveyors interpreted the land on two different dates. welcome! We are proudly Animal Welfare Approved and strive to provide wholesome, fresh food to our community. The following obituary appeared in the Fayetteville Observer: “At Brunswick Mineral Springs, on the 5th instant, Col. Joseph Hawkins, of this city, comptroller of the State. THOMAS, then THOMAS’ patent course south 40 east 94 poles to a cypress his corner standing on the edge of the run, then up the windings of the run to the first station. Have just learned that a few graves from long ago in Cabarrus County were bounded by lands these. Allowed a little graveyard is nested within a tree near by letters was addressed... Also check out my mapping pages which carry the platting effort much further afield who appears to have died as! To long Lake, the lands of John Perry had been for many of the was. Different kind of number traditional Sunday School, Sunday Worship, and Wednesday night fellowship each week just that. 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