Cimarron MAX also suppresses Canada thistle.Active Ingredients : Copyright © 2021 Industrial Vegetation Management. Refer to the Cimarron MAX label to determine the proper use rate for the specific weed problems on your land. Cimarron Max herbicide is used for selective post emergence annual and perennial broadleaf weed and brush control, suppression inpastures and rangeland, and selective weeding to aid in the maintenance of established grasses in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). But weeds like thistles, curly dock, common broomweed, woolly croton, bitter sneezeweed and marestail continue to rob their pastures of moisture and nutrients needed for optimum forage and beef production. Cimarron MAX also suppresses Canada thistle. Field observations show that Cimarron MAX programs outperform the competition. Active Ingredients: Metsulfuron-Methyl 48.0%, Chlorsulfuron 15.0% The table below shows the number of acres treated with Cimarron® MAX at various application rates: DuPont™ Cimarron® MAX herbicide Weed control and brush management for pastures and CRP 0000000016 00000 n It is important to follow up the herbicide application with a fertility program to encourage the bermudagrass growth. CIMARRON® is safe to grasses under normal conditions. endstream endobj 127 0 obj <>stream Cimarron Label. 0000001188 00000 n CIMARRON is a highly active herbicide with foliar and root activity. CIMARRON® Plus to these species may result in injury. CIMARRONTM MAX herbicide consists ofCIMARRONTM MAX PART A and CIMARRONTM MAX PART B which must be tank mixed together. %%EOF DUPONT™ CIMARRON® MAX HIGHLIGHTS • CIMARRON® MAX herbicide consists of CIMARRON® MAX PART A and CIMARRON® MAX PART B. 060E4E5C697F41646F62654964656E74697479436F7079726967687420323030 AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. endstream endobj 124 0 obj <> endobj 125 0 obj <>/DW 1000/FontDescriptor 124 0 R/Subtype/CIDFontType0/Type/Font>> endobj 126 0 obj <>stream DuPont™ Cimarron® MAX herbicide DuPont™ Cimarron® Plus herbicide DuPont™ Cimarron® X-tra herbicide Controlling weeds in pasture and rangeland is an important part of making those acres more productive. 0000002427 00000 n In addition, weeds and brush hardened-off by drought stress are less susceptible to CIMARRON® Plus. For more information, see • Read the label instructions before applying any herbicides. ��>��s���R��h�F^��#�y����Q���G#�O������ç��==��������o��/ϧ�;c�������_�������m�ӷ���������K����v�|�~�����_o�o��~y>}�~�W��=|�z>�{�O����݇�q�~�?�>���Ï��?o+���~���ߒ~;�%���z��Ώ���x���߽w;>l����p���?�(���O?��{wٸ�^ �P���Z�UuTGu���^5P5�Fj�F�DMԤ����U�P�j�VjUm�Fm��ک]uPu�N�N�E]�E5�|�| �_#_�������k�5�5�|�| �_#_�������k�5�5�|�| �_#_�������k�5�5�|�| �_#_�������k�5��Z|�|-�_+_�������k���Z|�|-�_+_�������k���Z|�|-�_+_�������k���Z|�|-�_+_�������k��u�:|�|�_'_���������u�u�:|�|�_'_���������u�u�:|�|�_'_���������u�u�:|�|�_'_���������u���z|�|=�_/_�������������z|�|=�_/_�������������z|�|=�_/_�������������z|�|=�_/_����������� �|�|�� ߀o�7�7�� � �|�|�� ߀o�7�7�� � �|�|�� ߀o�7�7�� � �|�|�� ߀o�7�7�� �����K�����G��#��(�~? startxref %PDF-1.5 %���� Cimarron Plus is a dry-flowable granule. 0000002702 00000 n In warm, moist conditions, the expression of herbicide symptoms is accelerated in weeds and brush; in cold and/or dry conditions, expression of herbicide symptoms is delayed. 0 � � @ &. It can be tank-mixed with other pasture herbicides and applied by ground or aerial equipment, or as a spot treatment to target annual and perennial weeds. Wide application window gives you more time to work around your schedule and the weather. Description. Cimarron MAX Herbicide provides an economical weed control option to help manage your Pasture and CRP acres. Kochia bio-types resistant to Banvel (dicamba) have been discovered in Idaho. Toll Free: 1-877-720-2511 . h�bb�b`b``a� | u Not a federally restricted-use pesticide. NO. • CIMARRON® MAX is a 2 part product used in a ratio of 5 ounces of CIMARRON® MAX PART A to 2.5 gallons of CIMARRON® ?���z�� �$߄o�7�7��M�M�&|�|� �$߄o�7�7��M�M�&|�|� �$߄o�7�7��M�M�&|�|� �$߄o�7�7��M�M�&|�|3��,ߌo�7�7������f|�|3��,ߌo�7�7������f|�|3��,ߌo�7�7������f|�|3��,ߌo�7�7������f|�|��"߂o��ȷ�[�-�-�|�|��"߂o��ȷ�[�-�-�|�|��"߂o��ȷ�[�-�-�|�|��"߂o��ȷ�[�-�-�|�|+��*ߊoŷʷ�[���V|�|+��*ߊoŷʷ�[���V|�|+��*ߊoŷʷ�[���V|�|+��*ߊoŷʷ�[���V|�|� �&߆o÷ɷ���m�m�6|�|� �&߆o÷ɷ���m�m�6|�|� �&߆o÷ɷ���m�m�6|�|� �&߆o÷ɷ���m�m�6|ۯ����\t�;�]��~~��߅����w�w�;�]��~~��߅����w�w�;�]��~~��߅����w�w�;�]��~~��߅����w��߁���w�;�;���|�C�߁���w�;�;���|�C�߁���w�;�;���|�C�߁���w�;�;���|�C�߉���w�;�;��N�N|'�S�߉���w�;�;��N�N|'�S�߉���w�;�;��N�N|'�S�߉���w�;�;��N�N|'�S�߅���w���]�.�.|�K�߅���w���]�.�.|�K�߅���w���]�.�.|�K�߅���w���]�.�.|���?������|��x����{ݎ���i��o�_/�};������� ~�� 0000003586 00000 n Cimarron MAX also suppresses Canada thistle. Milestone, or Cimarron Max for non-croplands. Cimarron Plus Herbicide, for years, cattle producers have searched for a herbicide to control problem weeds on pastures and rangeland. Description: A sulfonylurea herbicide for control of Broad-leaved Docks in established grassland.. Cimmaron contains metsulfuron-methyl formulated as a soluble tablet, for the control of Broad-leaved Docks in established grassland. Cimarron® Max Herbicide Label Cimarron® Max Herbicide MSDS. CIMARRON PLUS Herbicide offers residual control to protect pasture and rangeland grasses from problem broadleaf weeds like thistles, curly dock, common broomweed, woolly croton, bitter … Application of CIMARRON® provides the best control in vigorously growing grasses that shade competitive weeds. 0000002295 00000 n You must have an L&O Licence to purchase this product 62617473000000000000010101020E0001010109F8200C269DF79012FB8E8B1C A single application of Cimarron MAX herbicide provides season-long control of a broad spectrum of your toughest broadleaf weeds, including mustards, prickly lettuce and Russian thistle. Cimarron Plus Herbicide is a dry flowable granular formula that provides pre-emergent and post-emergent control of brush and broadleaf weeds in pastures, rangeland, grass hay fields or grasses in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), and selected uncultivated areas. endstr Cimarron MAX Herbicide provides an economical weed control option to help manage your Pasture and CRP acres. 129 0 obj <>stream CIMARRON MAX HERBICIDE consists of a dry-flowable granular CIMARRON® MAX PART A HERBICIDE and a liquid CIMARRON® MAX PART B HERBICIDE. It controls weeds by preemergence and postemergence activity. Cimarron MAX Herbicide, noxious and annual broadleaf weed control used primarily on land dedicated to the production of grass forage in: This product may also be used on selected uncultivated areas (fence rows, farmyards, and rights-of-way) directly adjacent to, or which transect or pass through, treated pastures, grass hay fields, rangeland, or CRP, where grazing or harvesting for animal feed of those uncultivated areas may occur. 6C2F46535479706520382064656648696464656E486F727A4F436C2D44696E67 Effective and affordable weed control is the key to realizing the full potential of today’s pastures and rangeland. CIMARRON MAX PART A HERBICIDE is a dry-flowable granule that controls or suppresses broadleaf weeds and brush. endstream endobj 119 0 obj <> endobj 120 0 obj <> endobj 121 0 obj <> endobj 122 0 obj <> endobj 123 0 obj <>stream 0000000609 00000 n Visual signs of weed control 6C205269676874732052657365727665642E2048696464656E20486F727A4F43 trailer 115 15 Yield: A 10 oz bottle of Cimarron Plus can treat between 8 to 80 acres depending on the application rate. ?����G��#��(�~? LABELING GUIDELINES. Please contact us for current pricing and availability. CIMARRON® MAX HERBICIDE consists of a dry-flowable granular CIMARRON® MAX PART A HERBICIDE and a liquid CIMARRON® ®® ®® ® ® d7����ڵr�}Ǎ��T�R�ã-��3�>���:p|B�x��]�8ߵ�N��g�n� For more specific application rates please refer to the label. 0000001299 00000 n ?����G��#��(�~? Cimarron Plus Herbicide - 2 - 10 Oz can be used for pensacola bahiagrass, multiflora rose, blackberry, dewberry, musk thistle, canada thistle and other weeds invade your pastures. H����N�@�{ݧqE+uRNms���RE�)�� &���:N���$r��g��g�߁W}$J��7����9�9����.��lYGB]����GX�o�i���a�a4)%o@;L��QCp ��0�$a�((���x�zUA�?��x����YM�V;О����0=d dԛ�Fی5N��4����p��EV�˷�VM'@���:$��4\f'�ȁs��_����' �*/�ht�)������ȣX�|\W�ai��H[�1�K(NW���t {{��fq�O����@1��/��@Ystɮ=�h4)m��,z(�Gd w�/��������4헿a4��iKզ%$�G�����$�)8x���;ɻ;�vtxP�k>��2���ְ���z���2o0��NN�8�}�PQû C��^��ls1�#�����l:���>Q�� 0C1EF81D01F81E02F81E03F81804F81F0C158B8BFA7CFA7C058C0C1F8C0C221D But weeds like thistles, curly dock, common broomweed, woolly croton, bitter sneezeweed and marestail continue to rob their pastures of moisture and nutrients needed for optimum forage and beef production. Cimarron MAX Herbicide provides an economical weed control option to help manage your Pasture and CRP acres. Cimarron max herbicide consists of a dry flowable granular cimarron max part a and a liquid cimarron max part b. Ag Phd Modes Of Action On The App Store Cimarron max is a two part product consisting of cimarron max part a and cimarron max part b and must be tank mixed together. Milestone, or Cimarron Max for non-croplands. Each of these herbicides are ap-plied postemergence to Kochia. DUPONT™ CIMARRON ® MAX HIGHLIGHTS • CIMARRON® MAX herbicide consists of CIMARRON® MAX PART A and CIMARRON® MAX PART B. Quick overview Cimarron Plus Herbicide offers residual control to protect pasture and rangeland grasses from problem broadleaf weeds and it offers good activity on woody species like buckbrush, blackberries and dewberries, as well as tough broadleaf weeds. Some trade names include Pastora, Cimarron Plus, Cimarron Xtra, Cimarron Max, MSM 60, Chaparral, etc. Grassbur, or sandbur, is a warm-season annual or short-lived perennial grass that produces seed capsules armed with sharp thorns. Cimarron Max is a broad-spectrum herbicide for the control and suppression of broadleaf weeds and brush. Cimarron Max THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. 4005 Western Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57105. A selective herbicide for use in established grassland in tablet formulation containing 500 g/kg metsulfuron-methyl. 05468B069F0A9F0B8C0C11FA7C14> Rates please refer to the label instructions before applying any herbicides granular CIMARRON® MAX PART a Cimarron. Gives you more time to work around your schedule and the weather this! Now there ’ s pastures and rangeland MAX offers excellent weed control help! 870-9212 ext MAX also suppresses Canada thistle.Active Ingredients: Copyright © 2021 Industrial Vegetation Management make initial from... Of Federal law to use this product only in accordance with its labeling broadleaf. Help improve the quality and yield of your pastures and rangeland Methyl … DUPONT™ CIMARRON® MAX offers weed. 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