prefigures kiarostami in more than a few ways. Directed by. Chung Kuo has been hotly debated but rarely seen in its entirety. A documentary short detailing the life of Italians living on the Po River in the 1940s. Ever since those early beats, the voiceover betrays a certain frustration from Antonioni's part, as he was forced…, Antonioni stays true to his opening promise: this is not a political film. The first part, taken around Beijing, includes a cotton factory, older sections of the city, and a clinic where a Cesarean operation is performed, using acupuncture. 215 min. Some share their physical exercise time in groups. Para professores e…, Here it is. Chung Kuo - Cina. There is much to be discerned from this, both in terms of historical learning and in terms of the filmmakers' own approach to the subject. A documentary on China, concentrating mainly on the faces of the people, filmed in the areas they were allowed to visit. 2. Jump to: navigation, search. On ressent leur méfiance face à cette présence étrangère, mais en même temps, la caméra ne leur apparaît pas comme un outil de propagande qui dicte leurs faits et gestes, mais plutôt comme quelque chose qui les observe simplement comme ils sont. Chung Kuo Cina book. Granted that for an audience of the time, they might have found it to be an experience watching it, but somehow, I thought it was a sense of deja vu, whether or not having to watch that particular segment on some other variety show on television (could be this one, I'm not too sure), but the stunts performed were found to be quite familiar. No interviews will be found. View production, box office, & company info. Starting off at a defining location in Tiananmen Square, there are some subtle differences at the Square then, and now. The novels present a future history of an Earth dominated by China. The final part shows the port and industries of Shanghai, and ends with a stage presentation by Chinese acrobats. close ups and long takes from antonioni’s loving eye, taking in the faces and lanes of memory walked upon by my parents and grandparents. For the period of time that Antonioni and his crew were the host of the Communist Part in the middle of the Cultural Revolution, what we got instead was an extremely fascinating look at the facets of live within the iron curtain, from major sights and recognizable attractions, to the lesser seen mundane activities of the everyday lives of the average joe.A magnum of a movie unfolding itself in 3 parts, we begin this rare look of a journey into China during its Revolution, and if pictures can tell a thousand words, what more moving images? AKA: China. Chinese feature filmmaking virtually ceased during the Cultural Revolution, while documentary production was the exclusive domain of state-controlled studios, producing works in which carefully staged images were accompanied by monological voiceovers conveying highly didactic narrations promoting Maoist ideology. Chung Kuo-Cina (China) (1972), China, directed by Michelangelo Antonioni (courtesy of Photofest) The camera feels most natural in the long, middle sections of … There are children who stroll through the streets with the innocent curiosity of their age. masterpiece image of the homeland i can barely call my own. 2: Underrated and Obscure Gems, Filmes de História Geral em ordem cronológica / General History Films in chronological order / Películas de Historia General en orden cronológico, Sean Price William's LEGENDARY TOP 1000 FILMS LIST (in progress), TSPDT Complete and Correct Full Starting List. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. The gray city is replete with faces. In 2043 a Chinese Communist Party Politburo member, Tsao Ch'un, engineers the economic downfall of the West through a massive cyber-attack which destroys much of the datascape (the successor to the Internet) and neutralises the military capabilities of the United States and Europe. A documentary on China, concentrating mainly on the faces of the people, filmed in the areas they were allowed to visit. Michelangelo Antonioni’s Chung Kuo — Cina (1972): A Moment of ‘Explicitation’. Like Marker, Antonioni explores his subject in monotone narration over gorgeous images of emotional ambiguity, often emphasising the most minute detail of an environment, like the musings of an alien sent to a faraway planet, quietly observing what he has seen. It's this fine balance of the rural and the urban, of Chinese people living and working in both contexts in the country, that I thought makes this documentary quite a winner.But what was truly fascinating, were the carefully prepared episodes that pepper the documentary. Documentary. Film data from TMDb. 1972: “Tiananmen is the heart of Beijing, the political and revolutionary center of China. Lejos de hacer propaganda, muestra a la gente en su esplendor, en el campo y en la ciudad, los vestigios de su pasado y su actualidad en el arte y la cultura tras la revolución, revelando apenas unas cuantas partes de una nación compleja. Chung Kuo is an indelible time capsule of the aftermath of Mao's Cultural Revolution, the defining event of Modern China. It's almost too neutral to a fault, with barely any kind of guidance into the images we're seeing, though the country's visual beauty and warmth for its…. Add the first question. Chung Kuo is a series of science fiction novels written by David Wingrove. Written by The book celebrates and chronicles over one…, chinese films that were either officially banned (temporarily or completely) in china, or made without approval and thus automatically considered…, some films are not on tmdb, some may have been mismatched or simply not found when importing into…, Ⓚⓔⓥⓘⓝ Ⓗⓐⓦⓚⓘⓝⓢ 1,000 films 2,400 69 Edit, Ultimate Film Canon pt. La caméra est alors le seul moyen d’approcher ce nouveau monde du fait de l’impossibilité de recueillir des témoignages. Excelente pieza observacional que trata de capturar objetivamente la realidad de la China comunista de los años 70 (muy a pesar de que no era lo que el gobierno del país esperaba). Made of four short tales, linked by a story filmed by Wim Wenders. Chung Kuo, Cina Antonioni states in his film, “Chung Kuo, Cina” that he does not wish to understand China, but instead wants to give outsiders a view of what the cultural revolution was like. After pissing off Americans by making Zabriskie Point and having garnered a reputation for being something of a radical with the prestige of winning several film-awards, Antonioni was invited by the Chinese government to make a documentary about life in China. It's in three parts, one about Beijing, one about the countryside and one about Shanghai. Antonioni’s Chung Kuo—Cina (China) (1972) is another such film. A documentary on China, concentrating mainly on the faces of the people, filmed in the areas they were allowed to visit. The middle part visits the Red Flag canal and a collective farm in Henan, as well as the old city of Suzhou. Best Horror Movies. Under Ch'un's leadership, China rapidly recovers and, using advances in nanotechnology, begins to build vast, … Synopsis. No historical claims or philosophical insight will be shared. 43 Chung-kuo ch'ing-nien pao, 1 02 1962. Au lieu du film de propagande commandé par le Parti Communiste chinois, ce qui intéresse Antonioni, c’est de montrer un monde qui était encore inconnu de l’Occident au début des années 70. Was this review helpful to you? With no subtitles for any of the Chinese dialogue—whether by design, edict, or both—this made for a frustrating, intermittently fascinating viewing experience. The 220 minute version consists of three parts. In 1971, Michelangelo Antonioni was invited by Mao Zedong’s regime to make a work of propaganda about the superior virtues of the Communist nation. It's so unsettling at I was tempted to look away when the scalpel cuts through flesh, yet on the other hand, just refused to blink with wide-eyed amazement at how this feat was performed, and wondered if it's still being performed until this day! Chung Kuo - Cina subtitles. Chung Kuo is an indelible time capsule of the aftermath of Mao's Cultural Revolution, the defining event of Modern China. CHUNG KUO CHINA Chung Kuo - Cina. I believe some would have made their way as a standard export items for travelling Chinese acrobats to arm themselves with in their travels overseas, and I'm fairly certain some I've seen in Chinatown some years back. Others drag their sore bodies towards home. Porcelain or earthenware used for the table. 1 General Information; 2 Cover; 3 Information; 4 Screenshots; 5 Technical Specs; 6 Links. Au lieu de la filmer en plan large, Michelangelo Antonioni se focalise plutôt sur les passants interloqués par cette caméra. ", In this towering, near 4-hour epic of Chinese cinematic history, Antonioni's camera remains largely detached and observational as it allows the country's Cultural Revolution to speak for itself. … The 220 minute version consists of three parts. "Faces, gestures, and customs" is really all we see for the extended runtime, giving us a peek into a country that had long been isolated from Western eyes. 208. Chung-kuo synonyms, Chung-kuo pronunciation, Chung-kuo translation, English dictionary definition of Chung-kuo. The 220 minute version consists of three parts. From DocuWiki. It was very strange indeed when the Chinese government of the time banned this film and called it anti-Chinese propaganda. Michelangelo Antonioni (left) in Tiananmen Square during the making of Chung Kuo, Cina (1972). At the market the sellers carefully arrange their merchandises and the masses quickly select their products. Jayce Fryman 18,680 films 3,528 115 Edit, This list collects every film from the Starting List that became They Shoot Pictures Don't They's 1000 Greatest Films. Approached by the Chinese government to be THE GUY chosen from the entirety of world cinema to do a filmic homage to Mao's transformation of the Chinese people, Antonioni accepted the job, but, clearly frustrated by the very official tour the party took him on, made a film guaranteed to irk his hosts and backers. The documentary is precious. A Moon In The Water conversation with Gay Talese, part 1 by Anne-Katrin Titze. Chung Kuo Cina Quotes. The middle part visits the Red Flag canal and a collective farm in Henan, as well as the old city of Suzhou. These novels gives a foresight of an Earth that is dominated by China in the near future. Chung Kuo-Cina Reviews, Actors, Actresses, Photos, Ratings, Synopsis, Trailers, Teasers, Credits, Cast. Surely, the communist government then had watched Zabriskie Point and perhaps agreed that its ending of blowing up consumerism literally in your face, warranted the commissioning of Michelangelo Antonioni to shoot a documentary about China, and probably expected some beholden, pro-communist doctrine look at the state of things in the country, where the positives exalted and the negatives swept under the carpet.Alas Cina in my opinion stayed quite objective, and doesn't offer any judgmental criticism through its eye in the camera lenses, either for or against policies that unfolded in front of them. The 220 minute version consists of three parts. The final part shows the port and industries of Shanghai, and ends with a stage presentation by Chinese acrobats. Presented as part of MoMA's Michelangelo Antonioni retrospective, this New York premiere theatrical run of the original version is essential not only to any Antonioni retrospective but also to any understanding of the depiction of China in Western cinema. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Although it received a celebrated premiere on Italian television, Chung Kuo was immediately denounced by the Chinese government as "anti-Communist" and not screened in China until thirty-two years later. At the hospital the…. The capstone of the Museum of Modern Art’s complete Antonioni retrospective has been a weeklong stand of Chung Kuo—Cina, consisting of six separate marathon screenings of an untrammeled 35-mm print. 2: Underrated and Obscure Gems Ultimate Film Canon pt.…, Stephen Williamson 3,130 films 1,404 15 Edit, Lista de filmes, em ordem cronológica, sobre fatos da História Geral, da Pré-História aos dias de hoje. Since the film's opening in Tiananmen's square, adorned with portraits of Marx, Engels and the Russian dictators, the objective of the film gradually moves away from Marxism and into Maoism, before abandoning its political efforts altogether. At a time of chronic civil unrest in the USA at Zabriskie Point, in Death Valley, CA, two perfect strangers meet; a young revolutionary and an anthropology student who start an unrestrained romance, making love on the dusty terrain. In the Italian episode, a ... See full summary ». The first part, taken around Beijing, includes a cotton factory, older sections of the city, and a clinic where a Cesarean operation is performed, using acupuncture. Written by David Wingrove, Chung Kuo is a series novel in the category of science fiction. TMDb Italy. The theme song for the documentary happened to be "I Love Tiananmen Square" which schoolchildren sing with gusto, and we see later how the little tykes get indoctrinated quite innocently through propaganda infused into song and dance that they participate enthusiastically. 6.1 Release Post; 6.2 Related Documentaries; 6.3 ed2k Links General Information . Le film débute en pleine place Tian'anmen. I just cannot imagine how acupuncture is used as an anesthesia for a Cesarean section, as we see incredibly long needles poked into a woman to numb her womb and nerves, as doctors both work on getting her newborn out, while talking, and feeding(!) I can feel Antonioni was trying to stay objective from the shooting and editing, but with those subjective voice-over it’s rly hard to not being lead to some certain thinking pattern. Chiny okiem nie takim jak chciał tego Komitet Rewolucyjny wszystkich Komitetów Rewolucyjnych, skupienie na ludziach, obyczajach, wszędzie przaśność, siermiężność, szarość komunistycznej rzeczywistości, rzeczywistość pod okiem komisarzy bezpieczeństwa, półkownik 40 lat... W 1972 roku, podczas chińskiej rewolucji kulturalnej, rząd Chin zaprosił Michelangelo Antonioni do udokumentowania Nowych Chin.Po trzech tygodniach filmowania Antonioni zmontował materiał filmowy - 3,5 godzinny dokument zatytułowany "Chung Kuo" / "Chiny" (1972) [Chung Kuo - Państwo Środka]. This list is the Letterboxd version of The Oxford History of World Cinema. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. 44 Jen-min jih-pao (People's Daily) (Peking), 16 05 1957. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. The film, Chung Kuo, Cina, sparked one of the biggest—and least warranted—scandals in cinematic history, one that devastated its director. 207 mins We get an observation of a slice of everyday life, where the camera lingers on to provide strange yet intriguing images such as a typical work day in a factory, women with bound feet, and amazing sights and sounds such as a man riding a bicycle and practicing Qigong simultaneously! Falta algo para sair do comum. In 1972, Italian filmmaker Michelangelo Antonioni toured China at … Contents. One impression I get from it is that if a Chinese director in the seventies came over and did a documentary about the minute details of Western life, Westerners would come off as really weird, too. In the French episode, a group of high school students kill one of their colleagues for his money. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets This FAQ is empty. Despite receiving the direct support of the Chinese Communist Party during production, Chung Kuo provoked a strong backlash on its initial release, earning rebuke from Mao Zedong himself. her at the same time! Chung Kuo China (Chung Kuo Cina) Michelangelo Antonioni Italy, China, 1972. Not having seen many movies, either features, shorts or documentaries made during the Cultural Revolution era or about that era in question (propaganda included), I think this Antonioni film has more than made its mark as a definitive documentary that anyone curious about the life of the time, would find it a gem to sit through. in: Chan, Felicia and Willis, Andy (ed.) China plus industrialism equals Adam like. Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. One unforgettable episode that you must see for yourself, is something of a celebration of Chinese traditional medicine vis-a-vis modern Western medicine. that the last twenty-odd minutes of this is simple, uncommentated footage of an ordinary acrobatics performance says everything about antonioni's priorities here: faces, people, life. Yingjin Zhang) The Chinese Cinema Book (ed.…. A new starlet is discovered and has ups and downs in Italian films. Besides this recognizable landmark, it became like a journey through time as we also get to look at The Forbidden City, as well as The Great Wall in its pre-restored state of today, sans millions of tourists too, and witness broken, unmended sections that riddled the monument which was referred to as not one built by an Emperor, but one built by slaves.It's a rare treat indeed because the filmmakers dare to push the boundaries of permission granted to them, where on occasions even after explicitly being told "No" to filming a particular moment or location, the camera still rolls anyway, and we're told and get to see just exactly what was forbidden, which I think in today's context, is nothing to get riled up with. ‘Chung Kuo - Cina’ L impero di mezzo, Alle otto della sera Rai Radio2 The active workers who run and ride their bicycles to get to work as quickly as possible. I see this as more of an observational documentary made with curiosity than a critical commentary, which I am ultimately indifferent to. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? He starts to search for a woman who can play the leading ... See full summary ». In Italian; English subtitles. Antonioni's monolithic, ethnographic documentary spends its 3½ hours runtime alternating between quiet, sincere observations of peoples and spaces; and didactic voiceover descriptions of the images. IMDb The first time, I saved poorly and lost it.…, Good books: A Companion to Chinese Cinema (ed. What is the mystery of Oberwald? The mothers and fathers prepare their homes while working in the fields. Michelangelo Antonioni (centre) shooting in China during the making of Chung kuo, Cina. © Letterboxd Limited. The 220 minute version consists of three parts. 1972 For an analogy, think less British Sounds and more Sans Soleil or The Koumiko Mystery, or any of the other myriad travelogue films of Chris Marker. But anyway, it's still quite something Cina as a documentary film was one which was draped with fascination for both filmmakers as well as an audience, rather than championing anti-whatever sentiments from either side of the world. Whereas in Blow-Up and Zabriskie Point the director engages directly with the spirit of cultural upheaval, he simply stands by and observes Maoist China, more focused on the people than their professions, their emotions rather than their ideology. precious in spite of it all; something absolutely and tragically lost in spite of all “development” that’s been built upon the ruins of these moments and places. The 220 minute version consists of three parts. there’s a sense of preciousness, amidst or hidden between episodes of oppression. Written and directed by Michelangelo Antonioni. A trilogy of stories of well-off youths who commit murders. The movie director Niccolo has just been left by his wife. An observer shouldn’t be judgemental. The final part shows the port and industries of Shanghai, and ends with a stage presentation by Chinese acrobats. Motivated by curiosity and political means, Antonioni wanted to capture an overview of a "Communist" society. Something else I found peculiar, was how the last act rattled on like an acrobatics variety show. Chung Kuo - Cina. Documentary about street cleaning in Rome. The middle part visits the Red Flag canal and a collective farm in Henan, as well as the old city of Suzhou. There are no approved quotes yet for this movie. Jednak ten film został zakazany w 1974 roku przez chiński rząd, a Antonioni stał się celem masowej kampanii krytyki w Chinach. What a pure time. Italy, 1972. One long decade after the assassination of her husband, a reclusive queen comes face-to-face with the deceased's doppelgänger and anarchist poet, and strikes a three-day pact; however, fate has other plans. Paola is a young, beautiful woman married to a wealthy entrepreneur. 143-158 . Will Gilbert. Ten years ago a new generation of Chinese got a … High-quality porcelain or other ceramic ware, originally made in China. Civilisation collapses, with millions dying and many people being reduced to a rural, subsistence-level of existence. Registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin not possible chung kuo, cina say, though would. Seven years, but all things considered it seems fairly sympathetic lover Guido after years... In: Chan, Felicia and Willis, Andy ( ed. legendary documentary a. Saved poorly and lost it.…, Good books: a Companion to Chinese Cinema ed! With the innocent curiosity of their age hope for is to present a future history an! 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